The answer ultimately is the community. No where - and I mean NO WHERE! will you find a community as inclusive, as excepting, and as freaking awesome as the gaming community. Now, I'm not talking about the xbox generation - I'm talking RPGers. We like out first person shooters... well enough... but where we shine is in delving into the intricacies of [insert game here.]
So, I am blessed - I have a fantastic group I game on a regular basis with. Always have - one of the key GMs of my group has been my GM for 20+ years (probably longer... but, uhh... I plead the 5th on age). This group rocks! Seriously, I have been to cons, I have played in foreign lands (I'm talking about you California) - nothing holds a candle to my boys in the Hudson Valley.
But, you know what - gamers from around the world... are pretty damn cool. I was fortunate enough to stumble upon a "live un-boxing" of D&D 5e starter set. +Alex Mayo was doing an un-boxing (btw... he had the freak'n thing in his possession for over 3 hours and waited to unveil it so his surprise would be genuine... this guy is a trooper!) and I happened upon his post. Fortune has a strange way of asserting itself.
So, I am STILL waiting for mine. But, there was no way in hell I was going to miss this. My friend Cheeseburger +Jay had already posted he received his (I think there is a conspiracy going on here... where the hell is mine?! July 21st??! what??!) - but due to other circumstances... he wasn't going to be able to share until tomorrow. So, I figured - what the hell, I'll join. Life will never be the same.
The people that joined in this google+ hangout had great insight into the PDF rules that WOTC posted. We had a good discussion of various issues that, personally, I had debated with friends and wondered what the outside world thought. You know what? I have a whole new appreciation for both D&D and the community. There was fantastic (and might I add... wholly respectful) dialogue regarding 5e. And this is why I love this community.
There is nothing quite like a D&D community member. You might like 3e... you might like 1e... hell, I heard someone mention the original box edition (wasn't clear... redbox or bluebox?) - point being... we're all D&D players! Rules be damned! We grew up with this game; our children will play this game; we are D&D.... flavors of the month may come and go... in the end there is one thing for sure - those that stood against the forces of "Dark Dungeons" and those that have no idea what the F we're talking about. You know what? In the end it doesn't matter - we won. Numenera, GURPS, Rolemaster, D&D... and yes... even FATE and Dungeon World (not really... Otto has been hijacked by... [sorry, Citizen, that is beyond your clearance.]) and Paranoia... we won. The debate these days is about what system is better! Hallelulla! We won - RPGs... regardless of the flavor, are here to stay. Why? Because the community is awesome. I want to thank everyone - CRPGer and RPGer alike - for being who they are - a gamer! You rule. And I am damn proud to be a part of this fantastic community.
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